Encore une mauvaise nouvelle : Astro Boys au cinéma

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  • GodzillaJr
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    GodzillaJr le #81175

    Je viens de voir sur la chaine Allo cine info.
    Que Tim Burton vas adaptè Astro le petit robot, J’ai vus l’acteur qui vas jouer Astro,et ça le fait pas, car l’acteur doit au moins avoir 20 ans et ne fais pas la taille d’Astro (qui est un enfant lui), ça commence mal.
    Déjà moi je suis pas chaud sur ça.
    Mais arreter de vouloir faire des films sur n’importe quels mangas qui marche, tous ça pour l’argent.
    Mais bon c’est Tim burton qui vas faire le film, alors peut être qui vas le faire bien. Peut être !!

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    Seishuku le #81176

    Tu sais on verra bien le resultat mais comment tu sais qu’il va être au cinema,je suis une attardée,je sais.

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    GodzillaJr le #81177

    Pour ta question, si tu relis mon post, tu trouvera la réponse.
    Un indice : c’est au début

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    patrouchef le #81178

    Tim Burton fait de tres bon trucs, je pense qu’on aura droit a une bonne adaptation, mais a sa sauce…

    vu qu’il adore astro, je pense pas qu’il s’amusera a le charcuter

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    Seishuku le #81179

    t’ain ch’uis trop con.Je dois être biglouche,c’est sûrement ça.

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    Ysengrin le #81180

    …il ne restera plus qu’à attendre la version avec acteurs de “Dragonball”

    Si si!

    Ah, ces américains…(Auuuuugh!)

    (extrait d’article en anglais, emprunté sur “www.aintitcoolnews.com”)

    Ran across an interesting little bit of info that you may or may not have heard. I was scanning across Funimation’s website when I found an announcement that Fox has gotten their hands on the extremely popular Dragonball Z property to be fast tracked into production and released sometime in the summer of 2004.

    The article is as follows…

    “The heroes from your favorite series are headed to the big screen. 20th Century FOX announced the acquisition of feature film rights to the “DragonBall” property, and is planning for its studio division, FOX 2000, to develop a live action movie based on the property. This is very exciting news for Dragon Ball Z fans. FUNimation Vice President and Producer Daniel Cocanougher had this to say:“FUNimation is very excited to be working with FOX in their production of a live-action Dragon Ball Z Feature Film. FOX plans to place this movie on a fast-track production schedule, and may have a movie released as early as Fall 2003 or Summer 2004. FOX is an excellent movie studio, producing such huge hits as X-Men and Star Wars, among many others. They feel that this project will not end with one movie, but will become a major, multi-picture franchise like Star Wars. Clearly, this is a remarkable upward turning point for the Dragon Ball Z property. It will also be very interesting for all Dragon Ball Z fans to try to predict the names of the stars, the director and producers, and the storyline that will be used. FUNimation plans for its web site, http://www.dragonballz.com, to be the focal point of information on the production of the movie and all the fan events leading up to it. We would like to thank all the Dragon Ball Z fans worldwide for creating the excitement that allows such a major announcement as this—the new, completely original, live-action movie: Dragon Ball Z.”

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