Who is your favorite anime/manga character and why?

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  • Anhoco
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    Anhoco le #502248

    My favorite so far has to be Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. He is just the epitome of cool for me.

    I also have a thing for Ekicihi Onizuka from GTO. Bad and cool all at once. Gotta love that! http://www.equestrianbookfair.com/UserProfile/tabid/57/userId/1754/Default.aspx

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    Xanatos le #502339

    Hello Anhoco, welcome in the forum of Animeland! 😀

    It has been a long time that we didn’t see an English Animefan here!


    To answer your question There are many characters that I personally love.

    Ryo Saeba

    One of my favorite heroes is Ryo Saeba, the hero of City Hunter.

    He is tough, strong, smart and very funny. He seems very crazy (especially when he sees beautiful women), but he is also very kind and sensitive.

    He is absolutely awesome! 😀

    Lady Oscar

    I also love Oscar François de Jarjayes, the main character of The Rose of Versailles/Lady Oscar.

    She is a very beautiful woman, very intelligent, brave, strong and touching. And she is also very charismatic. 🙂



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