Gear quatre seront Afro (One piece)

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  • Gidluite
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    gidluite le #290369

    The series is coming into full circle,

    The afro's power will stay the same but it will not have to be prepped anymore, by power I meant that it heightens his CoC so that he can gain the attention and allies of people who hate him. Upon activating Gear Fourth, his afro will make Doflamingo praise him as being a good looking guy who he wants to go to the movies with, then he'll quickly backtrack that comment and say "I mean, I hate your guts man, I don't like you kouhai!!!!"

    This will play into Luffy's hands because he'll use it to land a gear attack of power. (I forgot which gear is which between 2 and 3)

    Then Doflamingo will regain his composure only for the ghost of Trebol before going to the afterlife to join in on the fight, death has however made Trebol remarkably strong as a spirit, and since he hasn't lost his devil fruit yet, his pure spirit allied with his devil fruit which gets power via it will multiply, suddenly boogers gallore will cover Doflamingo's body out of thin air and Doflamingo will pass out due to being a germaphobe and the fact that the smell is so strong and he sort of drowns in it, he ends up gagging to death. This stops the countdown and gear fourth says the day.

    (Désolé Pour l'anglais Mais je ai copié Ce poste)…ked-anonymously

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    Lord Yupa le #290370

    Maillegodde, even in english that makes no sense
    One Piece turned to shit ? Oda is sniffing the moquette ?

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    Cyril le #290371

    Je n'ai rien compris à ce post : ça vient d'un robot ?

    Ca me semble vaguement faire allusion au tout dernier chapitre de One Piece sorti cette semaine mais mélangé à du grand n'importe quoi : le fantôme de Trebol ? La coupe afro ? Qu'est-ce que ça vient faire là ?

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    Lord Yupa le #290372

    En tout cas ici à Kyoto, on voit dans tous les magasins de livres et manga le tome 77, qui vient de sortir. Je trouve pas mal de qualités à One Piece, mais ne me demandez pas de l'acheter en japonais, ma valise est déjà lourde…

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